P. 74

Chapter 3
The guidelines are categorized according to the model presented in Section 2. If available, relevant quotes of participants are provided.
5.1 Cognitive
5.1.1 Information overload:
Avoid users feeling overwhelmed with information. Avoid questions that have difficult wording, that are too similar or too personal. Quotes:
“If you leave a question open because you don’t understand it or because you don’t want to answer it, the form is always returned to you with the remark that you forgot to answer the question; “Forms that have to be filled out for taxes, health insurance, getting a divorce, getting welfare services, it is all so hard. And if you make a mistake you are in big trouble!”
“I filled out a questionnaire of fifty questions. After that I was phoned by numerous companies. I didn’t read the policy well. I will never fill out a questionnaire again!”
5.1.2 Complex instructions:
Do not make instructions complicated and long. Do not use difficult words.
5.1.3 Open questions difficult:
Do not use open questions. Instead use multiple choice or check marks, because reading is easier than writing.
“I won’t fill out such a question. I am afraid to make a fool of myself”
5.1.4 Problems with scales:
Scale of 0-10 for numeric rating scales are understandable. However, take into account that translating feelings into numbers is hard, and not knowing how the health care professional will understand the number creates uncertainty.
5.2 Social/psychological
5.2.1 Personal characteristics:
Take into account that negative feelings towards forms may be strengthened by personal characteristics of low literate persons, such as being unsure, having low self-esteem and doubting their own

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