Page 119 - The efficacy and effectiveness of psychological treatments for eating disorders - Elske van den Berg
P. 119

  Chapter 6 119
 Data of the EDE-Q (eating restraint, eating concerns, weight concerns, shape concerns and EDE-Q global score), BIAQ (avoiding social activities and eating restraint) and the BDI global score were not normally distributed, therefore an ANCOVA transformation was performed. By comparison with the successful group, participants in the suboptimal group scored higher on eating concerns (p = .003), weight concerns (p = .001), shape concerns (p = .001) and EDE-Q global score (p = .001). Participants from the suboptimal group scored higher on clothing avoidance (p < .001), avoiding social activities (p < .001) and BIAQ global score (p < .001), whereas the successful weight loss group scored higher on grooming & weighing (p = .002).
Analysis of variance identified significant differences in the BIS-II subscales for attention (p =. 019), non-planning (p = .022) and in the BIS-II global score (p = .007); the scores in the suboptimal group were higher than those in the successful group. With regard to the BDI global score, the suboptimal group scored significantly higher than the successful group (p < .001) (Table 2).
Outcome measures of self-report questionnaires among participants with successful and suboptimal weight loss

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