Page 65 - The efficacy and effectiveness of psychological treatments for eating disorders - Elske van den Berg
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  Chapter 3 65
 Both cohorts primarily consisted of female patients in their late twenties, with a mean eating disorder duration of slightly over nine years. At baseline, key characteristics as illness duration, baseline BMI and male to female ratio did not differ between both cohorts. A few significant, but not clinically relevant, differences were found. Patients in 2015-2017 were older (F = 5.93, p = .015) and the distribution of the eating disorder diagnoses differed (χ2 = 52.95, p <.001), with more anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder patients and fewer EDNOS / OSFED patients in 2015-2017. Table 2. shows the characteristics of both samples used in the final analyses.
Baseline characteristics of samples used in final analyses. Data shown as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated

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