Page 86 - Diagnostic delay of endometriosis
P. 86

Interview guide focus group meetings
Objective: To identify barriers and facilitators in the diagnostic process of endometriosis from the GPs point of view
Exploring clinical strategies
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Recognizing endometriosis
Estimation of prevalence of endometriosis in own population Length of diagnostic delay of endometriosis and possible contributing factors
Symptoms that trigger the GP to consider endometriosis Knowledge of possible symptoms suggestive of endometriosis and reasons for consultation at GPs office
Experienced difficulties in recognizing women with possible endometriosis
Do GPs perform physical examination in case of a suspicion of endometriosis? Which examinations are performed and when? Do all women with possible endometriosis need to be seen by a gynaecologist to confirm the diagnosis?
Do GPs start treatment in case of possible endometriosis? If yes: which treatment? If no: why not?
Should endometriosis be treated by general practitioners and to what extent?
When are women referred to a gynaecologist? Which symptoms, signs or findings?
Which women should definitely be referred to a gynaecologist? How can it be ensured that the women who have an indication for referral are seen by a gynaecologist?
How do GPs feel about women with endometriosis? Are they any
| Chapter 5

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