Page 208 - Crossing Cultural Boundaries - Cees den Teuling
P. 208

Presidential Programme were not determined either by dominant style of management or by dominant style of communication in Russian organisations in a significant way.
The only condition that appeared to have a significant effect on the condition of being beneficial to one’s organisation as a result of participating in the Presidential Programme was being totally open for new ideas and innovations from outside sources or constantly implementing new ideas and innovations developed internally. Relationship was positive.
Additionally, the condition of being beneficial to one’s organisation as a result of participating in the Presidential Programme was not determined in significant way by the trust among the employees and managers of one department and the trust among the employees from different departments in the home-organisations, by the readiness for sharing knowledge between employees, between employees and managers, between managers and employees and with outside partners. During the in-depth interviews and the focus group session the majority of the managers stressed that the insights learnt from the foreign consultants and through the traineeships in host-companies abroad raised.
In general, as the analysis of the research outcomes showed, the employees’ and managers’ attitude to the group lectures they participated within the framework of the Presidential Programme was positive.
The findings of the current research do not support Gerhart’s (2009) position, who elaborated on the constraints of the NC on OC, since the influence of Russian culture on OC, did not show a significant impact on the managers’ attitude during the lectures within the framework of the Presidential Programme. The survey results suggested that sufficient level of technical competence to absorb provided business knowledge was an important factor for improving the respondents’ knowledge during the Presidential Programme.
The participants of the in-depth interviews and the focus group session stressed the view that the insights learnt from the KT processes, whether by the visiting advisor at the home-organisation or by the involvement in the education and the traineeship in a host-company in a foreign country, were affected by their own attitudes, norms and behaviours, stemming from the environment and the OC in the Russian home- organisation.
In general, the employees and managers participated in the Presidential Programme experienced smaller to diminishing gaps between their own positions and the positions of the docent / supervisor in the approach to and implementation of the KT

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