Page 59 - Timeliness of Infectious Disease Notification & Response Systems - Corien Swaan
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Timeliness of notification systems: a systematic literature review 57
information on outdated notification systems. A detailed search strategy in bio- medical and public health literature was conducted in two electronic databases, Pubmed and Scopus, using a combination of free-text search terms and med- ical subject headings. The search included terms related to infectious disease reporting (‘disease notification’, ‘notification system’, ‘infectious disease re- porting’, ‘exposure notification’, ‘communicable disease control’) and reporting timeliness (‘reporting time’, ‘notification time’, ‘reporting delay’, ‘time factor’). The date last searched was January 30th 2017. The full electronic search strategy for Pubmed is depicted in Figure 2.
 Search ((((((((((disease notification[Title/Abstract]) OR infectious dis- ease reporting[Title/Abstract]) OR disease reporting[Title/Abstract]) OR infectious disease notification[Title/Abstract]) OR reportable disease[Ti- tle/Abstract]) OR notifiable disease[Title/Abstract]) OR mandatory reporting[Title/Abstract]) OR exposure notification[Title/Abstract]) OR notification system[Title/Abstract]) OR reporting system[Title/Abstract]) OR communicable disease control[Title/Abstract]
   Search disease notification[MeSH Terms]
  Search (#1 or #2)
 Search (((((time factor[Title/Abstract]) OR reporting time[Title/Ab- stract]) OR timeliness[Title/Abstract]) OR notification time[Title/Ab- stract]) OR reporting delay[Title/Abstract]) OR notification delay[Title/ Abstract]
  Search time factors[MeSH Terms]
  Search (#4 or #5)
   Search (#3 and #6)
  Search (((#7) AND ("2000/1/1"[Date - Publication] : "2017/1/1"[Date - Publication])) AND "english"[Language]) AND humans
 Figure 2. Full electronic search strategy for Pubmed
The identified articles from each literature search were reviewed on title and abstract. Studies published in English, during the period 2000 – 2017, and con- cerning human infectious diseases (in general or disease specific) were includ- ed. Excluded were studies that only described notification completeness or only described the timeliness between symptom onset and diagnosis, or focused on notification compliance of healthcare professionals, or described timeliness of

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