Page 29 - Imaging of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hand Joints
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 Systematic review of advanced hand OA imaging
hand OA was not reported separately. The primary reviewer (MSS), extracted all the data, which included study design, patient characteristics, details of imaging technique, method of image analysis, and outcome measures.
Quality assessment 2 Methodological quality was assessed using three checklists. The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) tool with additional
QUADAS items for validity,18, 19 the Quality Appraisal of Reliability Studies
(QAREL) checklist for reliability,20 and the responsiveness checkbox of the Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement Instrument (COSMIN) for responsiveness.21 The checklists were adapted for our specific purpose (see online supplementary text S2). Questions were answered with “yes”, “no”, or “unclear”. If studies investigated multiple outcome measures, then multiple quality assessments were performed. Quality assessment was performed independently by five reviewers (MSS, SMABZ and RWS for QUADAS; MSS, JJL and JWvN for QAREL; and MSS and JJL for COSMIN). Disagreements were resolved by discussion.
Selection of studies
Our search identified 869 records, (313 Medline and 556 Embase) including 242 duplicates (figure 1). We considered 106 relevant and retrieved them in full text. Seventy-seven articles were excluded, including three because they were not in English.22-24 Four articles25-28 reported data about the same cohort, and we included the most informative article.28 Two other articles also reported data from the same study population,29, 30 of which one was kept.29 Reference checking did not result in any additional records.
Study characteristics
Twenty-five articles were included in this review:28, 29, 31-53 Fourteen articles on US, five on MRI, five on scintigraphy, and one on both US and MRI. Abstract screening yielded two PET and one SPECT article on hand OA, which were excluded because no quantification of validity, reliability, or responsiveness was presented,54, 55 or because patients with diagnoses other than hand OA

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