P. 102

Chapter 4
Interpreting Categories
The answer options in the form of pictures of question 4 were put into eight different activity categories. These categories were shown on eight separate screens. The use of categories influenced the response process of two respondents negatively. Rose, for instance, recognized her impairment in the activity “reaching for something above the head,” but did not select it, as illustrated in the following quote:
“I really was in great doubt with ‘reaching!’ Because I thought: yes indeed that is problematic for my shoulder so I should select that activity. But the activity was placed in the category ‘standing’ which I associated with using the legs and back, not with arm movements. In hindsight I probably should have selected it, but when I was completing the questionnaire I chose not to.”
Interpreting Plain Language
Six respondents misinterpreted question 2 “Do you have pain?” Four of them mentioned the short and simple way in which the question was formulated as the reason for this misinterpretation. All six respondents selected the answer “no,” whereas in fact they were seeking help with their physical therapist because of pain complaints. Henry stated the following:
“Well I am not in pain at this moment. But when I go photographing I take long walks carrying heavy lenses. And then my hip hurts sometimes. This is something my physical therapist needs to know because it should be the aim of the treatment. But I interpreted the question as ‘are you in pain at this moment.’ And that is why I answered ‘no.’ The sentence, the question, is very short. It is not specific enough. It should have said: ‘Are you in pain during certain activities’ or something.”
Differences in Professional and Layman Interpretations
Although ‘getting up and sitting down’ and ‘getting in and out of a car’ are different activities from a physical therapist’s perspective, these are very similar movements from the perspective of moderately educated Bob, who stated the following:
“Well ‘getting up and sitting down’ and ‘getting in and out of a car’ are kind of the same activities to me. So it is hard for me to say

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