Page 102 - Physiological based CPAP for preterm infants at birth Tessa Martherus
P. 102

Chapter 4
 Figure 4. Blood gas parameters. Median (Q1-Q3) a) percentage of oxygen saturation of arterial blood (SaO2), b) partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2), c) pH, d) lactate, e) glucose and f) base excess in lambs receiving LCPAP vs HCPAP vs dynamic HCPAP in the first 30 minutes after birth (time 0=cord clamping). All parameters were compared over time using linear mixed-effect regression models. One (*) or two asterisks (**) indicate significant difference between the LCPAP vs (dynamic) HCPAP or LCPAP vs both HCPAP groups, respectively.

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