Page 28 - Impact of implant retained overdenture treatment and speech, oromyofunction, social participation and quality of life.
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Chapter 1
The main aim of this thesis was specified in four sub aims and null hypotheses:
1. To assess prospectively the influence of changes made to the oral environment during mandibulary and maxillary overdenture
treatment on speech. Papers 1,2,3
N01A: Articulation distortions will occur but these are expected to disappear once the denture is implant retained.
N01B: The /s/ sound will be the most affected sound in all stages of the treatment.
2. To assess prospectively the influence of changes made to the oral environment during mandibulary and maxillary overdenture treatment on oromyofunctional behavior. Papers 1 & 3
N02: Oromyofunctional behavior will not be affected by overdenture treatment.
3. To assess prospectively the influence of changes made to the oral environment during mandibulary and maxillary overdenture treatment on Oral Health Related Quality of Life and satisfaction. Papers 1,2,3 & 4
N03A: The impact on OHRQoL will improve once the denture is implant retained.
N03B: There will be higher patients’ satisfaction with speech and overall health once the denture is implant retained.
4. To evaluate the impact of personality on social participation after implant treatment with a multi-informant approach. Paper 4 N04A: There is an association between the five personality traits and OHRQoL and social participation before and after dental rehabilitation.
N04B: The use of multi-informants in evaluating dental treatment is adds more insight in the patients’ situation.
Study design
Papers 1-3 were designed similarly as a prospective case series. We recruited edentulous patients, suited for overdenture treatment. These patients were evaluated at several timepoints before, during and after treatment. Besides clinical and dental parameters 62–64 (not in this thesis), speech, oromyofuncional behavior, satisfaction and OHRQoL was examined at each timepoint. The comparison between the timepoints was performed pairwise (within patient comparison).

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