Page 141 - Impact of implant retained overdenture treatment and speech, oromyofunction, social participation and quality of life.
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 PhD 22 was selected as the only study of the 9 included as having ‘low risk of bias’ on all items. This was the only study doing so and the other 8 included studies were highly heterogeneous because the parameters assessed, and the methodologies used, were different. They concluded that maxillary FD use may contribute to short-term distortion of the /s/ sound in patients who had previously worn CDs. The /t/ and the /d/ were the second most incorrectly produced sounds with CD and FD. Because of the low number of selected articles and the heterogeneity of the methodologies, these findings should be interpreted with caution.
Influence of overdenture treatment on oromyofunctional behavior
The third aim was to assess prospectively the influence of changes made in the oral cavity during overdenture treatment on oromyofunctional behavior. It is important to assess the position of the articulators in rest and while moving, because this may cause speech problems and problems in integrated movements e.g. mimicry and swallowing, making it less effective. There was no significant difference in occurrence of oromyofunctional problems between the stages of the treatment (paper 1&3). Still there were several patients presenting problems with oromyofunctional behavior (table 2).
The oromyofunctional behavior of the participants in our studies showed some striking findings. In comparison to primary studies there are more problems reported. In both rehabilitation of the maxilla and the mandible difficulties with jaw movement, tongue movement and whistling are reported in the present studies 29,31,40. It is possible that this disagreement is due to the difference in dental rehabilitation, age of the participants and way of examination. It is important to mention that for the items ‘immobility of the jaw’ and ‘whistling problems’ the interrater reliability was low. This indicates the difficulty of evaluating oromyofunctional behavior. The use of a panel of SLPs might improve reliability of the results.
Influence of overdenture treatment on Oral Health Related Quality of Life and satisfaction
The fourth aim was to assess prospectively the influence of changes made to the oral environment during overdenture treatment on Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) and satisfaction.
General discussion and future considerations

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