Page 125 - Impact of implant retained overdenture treatment and speech, oromyofunction, social participation and quality of life.
P. 125

 Personality, social participation and OHRQoL in dental implant treatment
linear regression analysis. Results were considered significant at p <0.05, given the exploratory nature of the analyses.
Of the 54 participants, 49 nominated an external observer. The other participants were not able to appoint an external observer due to the lack of a social network. The external observers were in 68.5% (37/49) the partner, 7.4% (4/49) the son or daughter, 7.4% (4/49) a close friend, 5.6% (3/49) a brother or sister and 1.9% (1/49) selected a cousin. The mean age of the patients in the single unit-group (Group 1) was 60.96 (SD 22.12) including 8 females and 7 males, whereas the mean age of their external observers was 66.65 (SD 24.09) with 10 females and 5 males. The mean age of the patients in the complete jaw restoration group (Group 2) was 63.33 (SD 11.44) with 21 females and 18 males, and the mean age of their external observers was 63.35 (SD 24.41) including 16 females and 18 males.
Fifty-four patient and 49 external observer records were available pretreatment. Post-treatment ratings were obtained after 4 to 8 weeks from 47 patients and 40 external observers. There were no significant differences in age, social participation, quality of life, treatment and gender between those continuing participation and those dropping out. Due to logistic and time issues it was not possible to convince all participants and their external observers to participate in the second wave of the measurement.
The correlations between self and observer ratings for the quality of life (pre- surgery: 0.248, p=0.086, post-surgery: 0.228, p=0.115), frequency of social participation (pre: 0.010, p=0.944, post: 0.023, p=0.876), and diversity of social participation (pre: -0.038, p=0.798, post: -0.201, p=0.167), are all non-significant suggesting considerable differences in perspectives between patients and their observers. Our criterion measures, i.e. quality of life and frequency and diversity of social participation correlated significantly -0.284, p=0.004 and -0.184, p=0.063 before and -0.259, p=0.008 and -0.408, p<0.001 after treatment respectively.

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