Page 137 - Postoperative Intra-Abdominal Adhesions- New insights in prevention and consequences
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                                described by Nieveen van Dijkum et al [14]. Gastrointestinal symptoms are reflected by the digestion sub-score consisting of questions about pain and fullness in the abdomen, bloating, flatus, burping, abdominal noises, regurgitation, eating speed, constipation, and heartburn (Table 1). These symptoms are of most interest and therefore the digestion sub-scale was used for further analysis.
Table 1. Calculation of the score: most desirable option: 4. Points least desirable option: 0. Points GIQLI digestion sub-scale score: sum of the points.
Long-term follow-up after diverticulitis
How often during the past 2 weeks have you had pain in the abdomen?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you had a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you had bloating (sensation of too much gas in the abdomen)?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you been troubled by excessive passage of gas through the anus?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you been troubled by strong burping or belching?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you been troubled by gurgling noises from the abdomen?
How oftenduring the past 2 weeks, have you been troubled by fluid or food coming up into your mouth (regurgitation)?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you felt uncomfortable because of your slow speed of eating?
How often during the past 2 weeks have you been troubled by constipation? How often during the past 2 weeks have you been troubled by heartburn?
Outcomes of the study
0. All of the time
1. Most of the time 2. Some of the time 3. A little of the time 4. Never
  The primary outcome of the study was the incidence of abdominal complaints on the long-term after acute and elective surgery for diverticulitis. In addition, different Hinchey classification, the influence of operation technique (open vs laparoscopic), presence of a (temporary) stoma, incisional hernia, re-operation or small-bowel obstruction were investigated.
Statistical analysis
Categorical variables were represented as a number (percentage). Continuous variables were presented as mean (standard deviation). Categorical variables were compared with the chi-square test, in case of count expected less than 5 a fisher exact test was used; continuous

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