Page 93 - Tyrosine-Based Bioconjugations - Jorick Bruins
P. 93

Preparation of Trifunctional Protein-antibody Conjugates
performed, the 50 kDa band shows a slight upward shift (lane 4). Subsequent IEDDA with MeTz– IL-2 shifts the remaining 50 kDa band to 70 kDa, corresponding to the newly formed HC–IL-2 conjugate (lane 5).
Figure 7. Schematic overview and corresponding SDS-PAGE gels of the dual modification of AT1002[HC]ST– [LC]G4SG4SG4Y (A, C) and AT1002[KiH-HC]G4Y/ST (B, D). For both SDS-PAGE gels; unmodified antibody (lane 1), antibody after sortase ligation (lane 2) and subsequent TCO–UCHT1 treatment (lane 3), and SPOCQ with BCN-PEG3-TCO 6 (lane 4) with subsequent MeTz–IL-2 treatment (lane 5).

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