Page 12 - The role of advanced echocardiography in patients with ischemic heart disease - Rachid Abou
P. 12

Chapter one PART ONE Chapter two
Chapter three
PART TWO Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
General introduction and outline of the thesis 9
Insight into left sided mechanics in subjects with non- 28 structural heart disease
Influence of aging on level and layer-specific left ventricular 29 longitudinal strain in subjects without structural heart
Effect of aging on left atrial compliance and 49 electromechanical properties in subjects without structural
heart disease
Advanced echocardiography in patients with ischemic 66 hearts disease
Effect of guideline-based therapy on left ventricular systolic 67 function recovery after ST-segment elevation myocardial
Layer-specific left ventricular global longitudinal strain and 85 left ventricular remodelling in patients after ST-segment
elevation myocardial infarction
Prognostic value of multilayer left ventricular global 105 longitudinal strain in patients with ST-segment elevation
myocardial infarction with mildly reduced left ventricular
ejection fractions

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